The Science of Energy: How Our Bodies Interact with the Vibrational World
After discovering I was an Empath I knew I had to understand the why and how of it. Why was I this way? How was I able to feel other’s emotions and learn things about them without being told. It wasn’t enough to just simply know. This began a deeper level of exploration into the science of Energy.
What is Energy?
Energy is the life force of everything. It cannot be created or destroyed. It simply transforms. There are several mechanisms that help understand how energy can effect our bodies.
Entrainment describes the effect of energy being naturally attracted to the strongest energy in the immediate area.
Resonance is when two energies meet and becomes greater. This allows energies to ‘resonate’ with each other.
Atoms make up the smallest unit of matter and have negative, positive, and neutral charges of energy all working at the same time. Our bodies are made up of many atoms and they are naturally vibrating all the time. This energetic vibration allows our bodies to have their own electromagnetic field that vibrates on its own frequency. We truly are one of a kind.
We expose this unique energy field to the outside environments every day, every where we go, with everything we do. When our electromagnetic field encounters other vibrational sources of energy, entrainment occurs, and we will begin to resonate with the stronger vibration. This is how outside energy can affect us. For example, when you walk into a room and two people are having a heated discussion you will begin to feel uncomfortable. You quite literally are coming into contact with that frequency and your body is reacting.
But how? What is it that causes this to happen on an energetic level? To answer this, it is important to understand our bodies energy centers and how they play a role in our overall energetic vibration.
The human body houses 7 major energy centers called Chakras. Chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel”. These locations are where energy and physical matter meet. Each chakra emits an energy that resonates or corresponds with a color and relates to the energetic and physical parts of our bodies. These run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

7th Chakra- Color PURPLE/GOLD. Relates physically to the crown of the head. Our connection to source, God, our higher self, the spirit world.
6th Chakra- Color INDIGO. Relates physically to pituitary gland (third eye). Dreams, Imagination, Intuition, memory, higher consciousness meet here.
5th Chakra- Color BLUE. Relates physically to the throat and ears. Communication in and out flows through here.
4th Chakra- Color GREEN. Relates physically to the heart. This is where the physical and spiritual merge. Empathy and compassion come from here.
3rd Chakra- Color YELLOW. Relates physically to the navel and breast bone. Self- confidence, motivation and emotional stability.
2nd Chakra- Color ORANGE. Relates physically to the reproductive organs. Creativity, compassion, Intuition are housed here.
1st Chakra- Color RED. Relates physically to Bladder and Colon. Balanced emotions, security, self-confidence, the physical world, and basic needs.
Each chakra has its own electromagnetic field that extends out several feet and this makes up our AURA. Our Aura is what meets and interacts with the outside world. Very often our aura will meet the energy of the outside world before we do. This is how we can walk into a room or meet a person and get a feeling when something is off. The aura will communicate to the chakra energy centers and the chakra center will communicate to our physical body. This communication is simultaneous and is often expressed as feelings and emotions. This type of communication allows us to have “gut feelings” or a “6th sense”.
This is how the Empath picks up the emotions and feelings of others. It has often been said that the Empath’s 2nd and 3rd chakras are open more and when energy is picked up in these locations and translated to the physical body, changes in mood and physical sensations can occur.
This is an energy disruption.
Since our Aura is a part of our energetic body and translates this energy to our physical body then that means anything and everything we come into contact with can have an impact on our overall health and wellness. Entrainment and Resonance can cause our vibrations to merge with lower vibrations and impact our overall electromagnetic vibration, bringing us down, changing our moods, or disrupting our normal state. This is how energy disruptions from the outside world can lead to dis-ease in the body.
This dis-ease within the body can manifest as stress and anxiety. Stress is the release of adrenaline and cortisol . This response is normal in an emergency situation but in everyday situations this response can lead to negative physical, emotional and behavioral responses. This can include depression, increased blood pressure, and sleep changes. Anxiety can cause restlessness, irritability, excessive worrying, sleep disruptions, and in some cases stomach and head aches.
These were my exact struggles as a young Empath. Depression and anxiety plagued my adolescence even though I had a very good life with no discernible reason for feeling that way. As an adult studying energy, it all made sense. This is the struggle of the Empath. But with knowledge comes power, and with this information came a deep understanding. A launching point for a path to healing, and helping others heal.
Reiki and Sound healing introduce resonant healing vibration to the energy centers, organs, and aura of the body. Learn more with my Energetic Healing E-Course.
This course explores Reiki, Crystal Healing, and Sound Therapy as healing modalities and how they work.