Your Spirit Guides

Types of guides

There are many types of guides on the other side and they will come and go throughout your life as you need them. Want to learn piano? There is a guide for that! Having a hard time coping with something? You can ask for a guide that specializes in that! There is always help given to those who ask for it. For the purposes of this post I am going to focus on the main guide- the one everyone has that stays with you from the moment of birth until physical death.

How we get them

There is a time prior to our reincarnation where we engage in the planning of the upcoming life. We sit with our spirit team and decide on the purpose of our upcoming life, the lessons we want to learn, and the roles we would like to engage in. We also decide on who our main spirit guide is. While we will have many spirit guides over our life we will have one main guide that will always be with us and they are there from the start.

Where they are

Some people visualize our guides off on a cloud somewhere looking down over us and observing our life but that is not the case. When needed they are literally right there next to you. Yes, they have their own life on the other side but they have the ability to be in more than one place at a time.

Their Job

Their job is to keep us on our path and to intervene when necessary. They were there when we planned our current life and understand the lessons that were laid out for us. When called upon they are always ready and willing to provide guidance. Keep in mind that they are forced to operate under the rules of free will. We are free to do whatever we want while we are here. If we choose not to follow our laid out plan then we don’t have to (even though it might lead to many dead ends, strings of bad luck, etc.) They are there to walk side-by-side with us no matter what our journey here is.


Some people become obsessed with knowing the names of their spirit guide but this is just the material part of being human. Trust me! I have been there. For a long time I was seeking the name of my guide until I realized that they just do not care. Call them whatever you want, give them a name that feels comfortable for you. They don’t care what you call them, they just want you to call on them.

How to communicate with them

The way you communicate with your guides is a very personal experience and will be different for everyone but there are common ways you can open the door to communication. First, always ask for them to come close and communicate and then give them a means to do it. They will respond by showing you number sequences, synchronicities, or things in nature. Openly ask them to see a butterfly, or a type of bird, and don’t second guess when they answer you. You can also use Oracle or Tarot Cards and ask them to speak to you through the cards. Sit in meditation, clear your head, and ask them for guidance. They will find ways to answer you if you trust the process and open yourself up to the possibilities. Over time you will come to learn the communication style that best fits you and your guide and adapt to that.

Keep the channel open between you and your spirit team with the currency they know and love the best: Gratitude! After every sign or answer they give you, remember to always say thank you for the love and support they give you from the other side.

How I met mine

During my spiritual awakening I was obsessed with trying to learn my guides name and trying to receive and interpret signs from them. Then one day while I was sitting in meditation a name I never heard before popped in. I knew instantly and ran to google to figure out why such a strange name would have come up. Turns out that it was actually a mythological character from William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. I followed this up with asking for a more concrete sign and not too long after that I got just that. I was awaken in the middle of the night by a clearly audible voice saying my name so loudly that it is almost echoed in the room. I immediately looked at the clock and saw 11:11. It was then that I fully accepted that the signs I was getting was from my guide and I never looked back. I started trusting what I was getting, showing thanks, and now I communicate with my guide every single day. I released all hesitancy and opened myself to all possibilities and the magic came effortlessly.

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